Like a Raspberry-Phoenix emerging from a pan-galactic pie baking in a cosmic furnace (see the wallpaper 😛 ), I am reborn from last weeks fiery machine-death torpor and the psyop continues unabated!

From The Ashes Wallpaper
From The Ashes 1920×1080 Wallpaper

The Pi came in next day and… was… dead on arrival. No boot, send it back!

See why I gave myself a week off? 😛

Though… damn my thrift! By buying the necessary components piecemeal, I set things back a few days.

See the frustration in my eyes?

Joy Misses Coding
Joy misses her bots and coding

Termux and codeaholics-anonymous will only get you so far before you need a real code-fix! 😛

In any case, in spite of my wholly imagined and fictional one-sided feud with Jeff Bezos (which he started), I now have a freshly minted Raspberry Pi 4 that I would link to on Amazon but due to tragic aforementioned circumstances… I’ll pass!

I’d also just like to add, may SpaceX (sadly, not a sponsor) win the space race!

Then again… Mr. Bezos… I’m sorry, please keep taking my monies and sending me all the nice shiny things! Blue Origin (sadly, also not a sponsor) for the win!!!

You know what they say… all advertising is good advertising… right?


Belated Hot-Takes

So… I skipped a week of posting due to the computer troubles and since this is an unscheduled hiccup in my publishing schedule, I didn’t have much in the way of content planned for this post other than to just let everyone know I’m back posting again. 🙂

You can all look forward to more art and code soon!

But… since you’re already here and I like to put on a show for the fans… I might as well try something a little different and offer a few “Hot-Takes” on all the recent news and events!

Keep in mind, some humor punches up and some punches down, others… just flails about fecklessly like a T-Rex desperate to scratch it’s itchy nose with it’s tiny little arms!

This… will mostly be that last one, and of course…

All the standard trigger warnings need apply:

  • COPPA compliant
  • GDPR safe
  • CCPA governed
  • No one under the age of 21 (IDs must be shown for admission)
  • Not a fiduciary
  • Not for the faint of heart
  • Must be 42 inches or taller to ride
  • Take a chill pill and don’t be shrill Phil
  • For entertainment purposes only
  • Don’t try this at home
  • 100% USDA Grade A, (cruelty free) vegan, BS Fiction
  • Now with more vitamin #FakeNews in every bite
  • Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone alive and are so poorly stated for satirical effect that they may act as a detriment to good taste, peaceful international relations, not to mention possibly a complete divergence from reality
  • Please don’t ban or spam me again like last time just because I may have casually insulted your supreme leader for the lolz (the masses shall be edutained!)

So here goes, don’t take this so seriously, you’ve been warned…

We last left our heroine absent her dignity and with a broken computer and shattered hopes n’dreams, when without warning the tweet went out “All is well”.

WW n+1 had been narrowly averted and as she predicted, it had nothing to do with her!

Without her computer and coding to fill her idle hands and mind she had plenty of time to catch up and follow world events…

Turns out the U.S. publicly admitted to using assassination as a method to prevent war… though I guess we all kinda knew that sort of thing happened because, well… Jeffry Epstine!

But let’s not dwell on cases of moral turpitude!

Hmmm… What else was in the news? Oh yeah, I read that #TheSpaceForce went through and that President Trump will be meeting with the Pentagon to finalize all the iconography, duty patches etc… and well, I’d like to submit this post’s wallpaper for consideration!

The eagle/phoenix rising from the crumbling ashes of a literal raspberry pie floating in space seems as good as anything if you think about it, though of course it would have to be resized and cropped a little to fit on a cloth medallion patch but that’s super easy!

As an alternate, just in case President Trump and the Pentagon don’t like my wallpaper, I am sure all would agree that the wallpaper I did for Columbus Day 2034 depicting three Orion Pusher-Plate Vessels over planet Arrakis (from Dune) might be perfect for #TheSpaceForce logo and we could just say it’s Mars! 😉

Columbus Day 2034 Wallpaper - 3 Orion Pusher-Plate Ships
Columbus Day 2034 Wallpaper – 3 Orion Pusher-Plate Ships

I’d also like to suggest the Latin phrase (because everything has to be all official like and have a motto):

“Domus enim, super Domus”

In English that’s approximately: “For Home, Above Home” or… if you translate it too literally it means “The house on the family”. 😛

In other fake news… far be it for me to ever criticize the boys and girls in blue (and I’m not), I certainly appreciate their service!

As such, this question is really more directed toward leadership…

Who’s idgit idea was it to follow international law and blow 5 toots on the horn to signal an aqua-nautical emergency only to then declare the event “Belligerence Tactics” on the part of Russia?

Simulated reproduction of events based on accounts from all available news sources:

Based on the evidence available, seems a bit premature to make that assessment don’t you think?

Look, I’m probably a tax paying voter… (that’s a joke, pay your taxes, April 15 comes quick and you don’t mess with the IRS… they got Capone!), so that makes me like, totally their boss or something and entitles me to casually interject my uninformed and misguided opinions publicly without ever knowing any of the details, completely after the fact like some sort of Monday morning quartermaster!

But… did it ever cross anyone’s mind that Russia might simply have been having technical difficulties?

No seriously, think about it. If it were some sort of “Belligerence Tactic” wouldn’t it occur more frequently as oh I don’t know… “a tactic”?

Now, I only know what I read in the papers on the way to the bot mine so I surely don’t know what the hell I’m talking about but… even if I’m wrong and its happening all the time, frequency of occurrence is only tangential to the core concern, why was there almost a collision at sea?

And so I ask again, is it so far fetched given everything we’ve seen with all the recent widespread hardware troubles, like that floating dock thingy sinking and also “Admiral K’s” untimely passing… plus or minus a few others… might not their rudder have been stuck?

Wouldn’t the more neighborly thing to do be to open hailing frequencies and offer to beam over a few engineers to assist in repairing their obviously malfunctioning warp core and offer them enough dilithium crystals to make berth at the nearest friendly starbase?

Do the Russians have replicator technology yet? Maybe, also offer them a working replicator so they could fabricate any additional parts that might break on the way home?

I thought StarFleet protocol was clear though I may be mistaken… just saying!

In any case, if the true to life documentary The Hunt for Red October taught me anything it’s that sub-mariners give funny names to Russian things they find baffling, like… “baffle clearing maneuvers” which they call “the Crazy Ivanov”, which is funny because coincidentally that also happened to be the name of the Russian ship involved in the story I’m talking about!

Weird how life emulates art sometimes!

Anyway, after the 30 seconds of completely irresponsible googling that I did that now surely has an NSA drone overhead constantly monitoring my movements… my cursory search revealed that there doesn’t seem to be a colloquialism for this specific maneuver, so I’m formally claiming the naming rights and dub any and all future occurrence of this type of thing, a “Chekhov’s Howdy”.

Chekhov being a nice Russian name with TOS ties for the “warm and fuzzies” and Howdy just meaning a friendly hello!

Isn’t that nice? Doesn’t it just sorta roll off the tongue like that’s what it’s always been called?

Also, that dear children is what those in “marketing” refer to as, “neutrally-aggressive covert disinformitive product-and-idea placement” (AKA PhD level “Guerrilla Marketing”) and I guarantee it will be the gawd damned slickest example you will see all week!

Anyway, I don’t think Tzar Putin (not a sponsor) wants a war with America (not a sponsor)! No, wait… that’s not fair… I really shouldn’t call him Tzar… probably.

It’s just that… well, like most Russians and all Americans (and practically everybody else), I don’t actually understand all the details of Putin’s recent imperial coronation but… in any case, congratulations Your Imperatorship?! What I mean to say is… Long live Sea-Tzar!

Further, but moving on and still speaking of our Russian friends, an agent operating out of north east Asia recently sent me a link to some footage that was smuggled out of Korea and uploaded to YouTube.

The clip clearly shows why America never got (thankfully) the now infamous “Christmas/New Years Gift” that was in the news for ages:

They make a beautiful couple don’t they? Though seriously… can somebody please get that poor kid some ice cream? 😛

Turns out the undercover film makers who uploaded the video were actually the musicians (not a sponsor) shown auditioning for supreme leader Mr. K and after a brief involuntary few week stay in a luxurious health-spa/work-camp, were released over the border so now we can all enjoy some of the finest entertainment to ever come out of Russia and I’ve seen the dazzling Mr. Trololo (R.I.P… and not a sponsor)!

So, with that I guess I should end this #FakeNews and return to reality before I end up back on the naughty list! 😛

You are now free to return to your favorite sources of regularly scheduled marketing propaganda.

If your name is Jeff Bezos (or even if it’s not) and you are shocked, appalled or maybe even a little enthralled… consider sponsoring my content for $1 dollar or more a month through my Patreon.

Your sponsorship fuels my caffeine+art+code addiction as well as allows me to sponsor Jeff Bezos through his website when my hardware fails!

But, if all you can do is Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe… that’s cool too!

Much Love,